Mirosław ‘Carlos’ Kaczmarczyk – Self Reflections – Already as a child I discovered an inclination towards Scandinavia. Bergman’s
films definitely played a part in that. Though it seemed like nothing ever
happened in them, they were very distinct and moving in their own way.
Bergman’s films were different. Quite often it seems to me that I do a lot
of things differently. All the guitarists make guitar records, yet I am a guitarist
and I don’t want to make one. I compose my music by a piano or with a guitar.
I write the notes by hand, I don’t use any computer programs when I compose.
This has a link to my life in Oslo. We live in a forest south of Oslo. Everything
appears to be happening slowly there… and yet it happens. Strangely enough,
in my “Norwegian” period I became most efficient as an artist.